Jørgen Bergundhaugen

Editor & Content Producer

Jørgen works as an editor/content producer and is a skilled storyteller. He is a freelancer who loves to create and test new ways to communicate with the customer/audience.

He has worked with everything from documentaries, commercials and TV shows. Some previous clients have been NRK, Høgskolen i Innlandet and Norsk Vegmuseum. He also teaches film production at Create - Lillehammer Kreative Videregående Skole.

Experience / projects

  • NRK Newton

  • Radiokameratene

  • Latterlig Smart

  • Guttekoret

  • Litt av en jobb

  • Den Siste Olje

Contact Jørgen

+47 907 37 348

Filmbanken, Stortorget 1
Lillehammer, NORWAY